

Llama wishes a merry christmas!


Merry x-mas from the left (or right, depending on how you look).


Goblin Warband

A bulked out Misty Mountains Goblin Warband (9 companies with captain and drum)

The trays await PVA+sand as well as some minor dwarwen stone work to show through the cave ground. From the captain, go four rows down and then three steps to the right: A based unit filler (in contrast to the modelled-on-the-tray fillers) in form of some unpainted crystals hidden behind a goblin with a shield. Pre-e-etty keewl. Other notables are the stalactites (spelling?).

And the last company furthest up to the right, in desperate need of more gobbos though I will not buy any more of them. So there will be some sculpting or perhaps a troll to bulk out in the middle of the formation...