

Beginning of Angmar for WotR

I have started to assemble all the pieces of the upcoming Angmar army. The base of this project, the models below, are in a way highly inappropriate for Lord of the Rings. However, Ghouls are mentioned in some of the works of Tolkien - pheeew - and the Mantic Zombies I can crowbar in by calling them "Fallen". With this nice little word they now seem absolutely suitable. Taste it: ... Fallen...

 Ghouls and Fallen. Obviously from Mantic.

The Ghouls, who have been shown here like two years ago. Their bases are the worst thing with this whole project: Coins! As it was, at the time, impossible to get non-GW round bases it was actually much cheaper to just use coins instead of using them as payment for plastic round bases. Life's strange sometimes.

And the zombies/fallen. I have a tonne of Mantic models that will be used for conversions and other fun things further into the Angmar project. Other parts of Angmar will include, but not limit itself to:
    - A small DIY-version of Gulavhar (40 mm base)
    - A company of homemade Werewolves. The intention here is to use Bloodletter-bodies. But what heads?
    - Barrow-Wights.
    - A Plague Cart.
    - Ghostly Legion, x32 models.

That's it. Have a nice weekend fellow hobbyists!


To all my homies!

Dear mr FoB, why do you update so seldomly this blog of yours? Here are wings that you so humbly requested. You said, and I quote: "Wy [sic ]won't you poste any pix on ur wingz lolz?!?!?!?11!?!"
    Because you never update. But I found it in my heart to do this for you:

And not only that, you wanted a couple of wings, didn't you, well pick and choose two different pairs and perhaps the mailman will be so kind... ...

And not only that, even if I have spilled soda in my keyboard - and it annoys the living shit out of me, keys sticking and keep pressing "AAAA" - I still have time for my bloggin' homos - ehm, homies - out there: Notice how I finally have added some new bloggers, updated a few of the army pics and now this:

It has come to my attention that Dramatic Katastases is celebrating his 1 year anniversary. Here, have a specialty of the Swedish culture, a messy-cake:

There you go!

And el Zorro, I will try to get a little mock-up of the 64mm version of the chariot done before putting the old head on the old feather-bowl (I am trying out new idiomatic expressions in an attempt to further my linguistic skills - especially the English language).

Also, inspired by Dramatic Katastases, I will make it easier to "follow" this blog. Someone please remind me if I forget it.
     And why no interest in the big bag of WHFB movement trays? If I didn't knew better I'd say some people just look at the pretty pictures. This keeps me safe in my belief I can write any shit I want, no one ever reads the texts, hahahahaaa!
     That should be all. Good night, keep your chin up - soon it is tuesday and suddenly there's a weekend in front of us. Go with Christ, bro'!

EDIT: Oh, forgot I had this one for you, I guess it's old news - really old news, but to a person like me that know not-so-much about 40K, this was highly amusing:
And a disgusting close-up on the somewhat blonde babe as she adds some of that hot red of hers. These are actually sold as "prisoners" on the GW homepage. However, I am certain someone have made these work, despite her eyebrows, and made a great diorama or Sultan on Flying carpet and here I stand and... I digress... Good bye.


Suggestions on High Elf chariot

Between the completion of Queen Beruthiel (AKA Duran Duran) and the start of another project, namely the whole Angmar army, I was wondering if I shouldn't sneak another project in between, a goodguy-project:
    I have fancied the idea of a High Elf chariot - not necessarily charioteer* - and when I bought the WHFB Elf chariot only for its pulling-lions, I just put the actual WHFB-Elf chariot aside as it looked, at the time, stupid. But now, I am not so sure anymore. If there's one little doubt, then there would be the size of the base - a necessary evil, yes... but when you compare it with the Khandish charioteers it looks too large. Any suggestions on this matter? Perhaps by decorating the base in a grand manner and just go for the centerpiece-look it would look better, more natural?

The horses from Tom Meier are slightly taller and somewhat thinner. They fit very well with the overall look and are almost perfect when taking scale and size into account. The High Elf spearmen were originally for replacing some bad models in the WotR-cohort I have, but if this project is launched they will have to get used to their new role. And as I said before, the actual wagon is a WHFB High Elf White Lion chariot or similar.
    Opinions and suggestions are highly sought after here, gentlemen. Comments are appreciated.

A little tiny edit:
*) Not enterily sure if the distinction is clear or even exist between the two.

Haradrim Taskmaster and others

Haradrim Taskmaster, Haradrim Banner bearer and of course the Queen. There are minor things to fix up, so I'll follow the Llama-tradition and pronounce them done.

The banner turned out as I wanted it: Purple frame for the Queen, black background for the Umbarian origin of her new evil reign in Harad; and of course red for the Mordor influence. The patterns are poorly disguised eyes as well as a jigsaw-ish pattern to imply her special past etc etc. The former explanation of the pattern is merely an excuse: I was going to paint a regular Haradrim snake over the whole pattern but just didn't feel up to it after spending half a D6G-episode on the painting of just the background of the banner! The background will suffice - especially when in company of the other poorly painted banners in my Harad army.

With the Queen being finished I shall turn my llama-furry attention to the renovation of my High Elf army (Rivendell) and also to finally finish my Angmar-project so to have at least a 1000-point legal, playable, painted Angmar army... I bit the bullet and bought, a couple of months ago, two expensive Barrow Wights in order to convert the rest from some Mantic Skeletons and epoxy putty and some other bits and pieces.

I've also got quite a good reception on my articles that were written a few months ago and I will make some new ones, perhaps including a rant or two - there's been waaay too few long rants and personal-attacks here lately.


Regarding plastic sprues

Here's an interesting little sidenote from Pablo El Marques blog (I used google translate, but a native English or French speaking person should be able to get the geist of his blogpost without crutches such as google translate) regarding the modularity/interchangability of GW:s [new] chaos-models' sprues. I know this has little to do with War of the Ring, but I found it rather interesting - and some news is always better than no news, I mean, War of the Ring discontinued, the SBG came back, but not really with a vengeance, rather with a shy little poke in the side and then it went back into the corner of the room while the sweaty 40K- and WHFB-players took over the whole house. This is not a complaint, I can handle this hobby quite well alone, thank you, but it would be nice with some love from the company that made this particular part of our hobby.

The pertinent image from Pablo's blog follows below in textform, written down for your consideration to be used in google translate, should you ever care that much. I did, apparently...

Los nuevos guerreros del caos
me gustaria destacar los nuevos reminentos de guerreros del caos de plastica, no solo porque son
unas miniaturas excelentes en si mismas, sino también para comentar nuestros futuros planes para las
cajas de plastico del caos. Este regimiento no es más que el primer paso de lo que esperamos que sea
un proyecto que se vaya ampliando a lo largo de los próximos años para crear la gama de plastica más
flexibe y original de Warhammer.

Estos guerreros del caos se montan a partir de dos matrices, la matriz del cuerpo y la matriz del
grupo de mando. En este primer regimiento se ofrecen cuerpos de guerreros armados con arma de mano y
escudo o dos armas de mano, y una matriz de grupo de mando del caos absoluto. Más adelante tenemos
pensado producir una nueva matriz de cuerpos con la que permitir a los jugadores montar guerreros
con armas a dos manos ya alabardas. Después nos centraremos en la matriz del grupo de mando, que
contará con diseños de armas, escudos, estandartes, cascos, etc., especificos de cada uno de los
dioses del caos. Incluso se llegó (ilego?) a hablar de caballeros de plastico y de algún tipo de
carro en la misma linea, pero ya veremos qué tal sale. Los componentes serán intercambiables con los
de otras matrices, de modo que un jugador podrá, por ejemplo, crear guerreros de Nurgle con armas a
dos manos o caballeros de Khorne.

Todo esto ha sido posible gracia a la planificación y la previsión de nuestro apreciado Jes Goodwin,
del Jefe de Disendo, y de las opiniones siempre útiles de muchas otras personas. Estoy muy
ilusionado ante las posibilidades de esta gama y del futuro de los plasticos de WH en general y
espero que en los años proximos ir viendo los resultados de este proyecto.


Queen Beruthiel with Haradrim warriors

Queen is nearing completion. The Duran Duran look is somewhat toned down, but now she's got a puppy-look with that special nose of hers. The guy with the whip, on Beruthiel's left, got his hand and the whip from the Dark Eldar Scourges box - which I bought just for the wings... it was satisfying to use other parts of the box, it made the cost of the wings feel less... imposing...

In other "news" I have just listened to the worst piece of crap episode of a podcast ever. Pointhammered* episode 40 - two hours of drunk retards singing about their dicks and laughing really annoying. Still, I listened through it. 'Cause I'm a man, what I start, I will also finish, just like Beruthiel above.
   About Beruthiel's base: Three black cats are surrounding the rock she is hovering from - should I perhaps make one of them white? You guys who knows anything about this character probably know what I'm speaking of here, don't have the strength to recap her story now - I have been sick for a few days but finally getting better.

And in other-other news, I have around 40 WHFB movement trays (you know, those with their "backs" open - a little rim around the flanks and front, but not the back) that are behaving surplussy on me and I will probably give them to someone kind...

Good bye, time to sleep. Have a nice weekend all you hobbyists out there!

*) Pointhammered provide some interesting aspects of the hobby and there is no need to be frightened by their strange dialects and accent, go ahead and listen to it.


Late news about leaked Games Workshop 2013

I guess most of you have already read this: Leaked Games Workshop products for 2013. Click the link on theonering which in turn goes to pastebin. There you have it. And here below (I guess one should take it with a grain of salt, but it is still an interesting list, probably legitimate):

This is going to be a messy blogpost. Don't forget the post made earlier today :)

The Spiderlings were expected, as well as the tonnes of Dwarwes and some extra Elf characters - as an example, the Elf - Lindir - who listens to Bilbo declamating his poetry.

Interesting ones
Orc Needlers.
    Beornings: Woodmen Healer...
     Grey Mountain Dragons: Venomblade Assassin  
     Grey Mountain Dragons: Goldscale Priest 
     Gorm & Woodmen Axethrowers / Skin-Changers  
     Grey Mountain Dragons: Fire-wyrms. Aah yeeah!
     Black Bear Pack. I am looking forward to this one, I can tell you.

Mountain Orcs: Armoured Hill-Trolls / Frenzied Trolls   
Dol Guldur: Mounted Tomb Wights  
White Council: Galadriel & Lórien Drumhooves   
White Council:  Dúnedain Runecaster    
Dol Guldur: Saruman & The Ringwraiths. Saruman and the Ringwraiths? Sounds like a band. Playing tonite!
Dol Guldur: Vampire Bat Swarms. Vampire Bats? Will these be like a better version of the existing? It says Swarm, so it won't be something like a 40mm base with a single great monster on it...
Grey Mountain Dragons: Fell Hatchlings. Sounds like there's gonna be a lot of dragon stuff! Yeeey! 

And here's something I'm looking forward, if it were to ever be released: White Council: Radagast with Roäc & Swoop.
      A little thing that made me think the list below was just something inside someone's head: White Council: Galadriel (Barrel). Barrel? And this: Grey Mountain Dragons: Bofur on Cold-Drake.

Copy of the deleted scribd document:
A little note from yours truly: I guess there will be hints to what materials the different releases will be in. Look at the original doc. for info like "plastics" or PL or whatever...

Games Workshop release plan
10.                        500061211470209 Dwarves: Kili & Fili & Longbeard Archers        PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
11.                        500062630170206 Dwarves: Bombur with Kettle     RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
12.                        504018730770200 Wargs: Dire Warg        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
13.                        505007311470201 Dol Guldur: Leaping Spiders / Shiverfang Spiders        PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
14.                        505007630170202 Dol Guldur: Spiderlings RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
21.                        500063330170206 Dwarves: Drogo Baggins & The Tavern Maid        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
22.                        507012730970209 White Council: Mounted Rivendell Nobles RE      b09     Sou_A   02      cc
29.                        999023630110289 Frodo with Red Book     RE      c01     Len_B   02      pr
32.                        507017730170208 White Council: Lindir the Harper        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
39.                        500071411470206 Dwarves: Dáin & Iron Hill Berserkers   PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
40.                        500071511470205 Dwarves: King Thráin & Longbeard Vanguard      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
41.                        500071711470203 Dwarves: Young Thorin & Longbeard Mattockguard  PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
42.                        500072030170201 Dwarves: King Thrór    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
43.                        501061111470209 Mountain Orcs: Azog & Orc Needlers      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
44.                        501063230170206 Mountain Orcs: Azog (Wounded)   RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
51.                        506005530170208 Men of Esgaroth: King Girion    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
52.                        504019211470206 Wargs: Grinnah & Mirkwood Werewolves    PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
55.                        508000811570201 Grey Mountain Dragons: Fire-wyrms       PL      a15     Sou_A   02      cc
61.                        503024630170201 Beornings: Woodmen Healer       RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
62.                        503025130170203 Beornings: Fair Daughter        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
63.                        507020230170203 White Council: Arwen & Estel    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
64.                        507021430170208 White Council: Galadriel (Barrel)       RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
69.                        208286530150204 The Avatar of the Young King    RE      c01     Len_C   02      cc
79.                        506006230170208 Men of Esgaroth: Fram the Watchman      RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
80.                        506004130170205 Men of Esgaroth: The Master of Lake-Town        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
81.                        508009912070207 Smaug the Golden        PL      a20     Sou_A   02      cc
82.                        508008211470206 Grey Mountain Dragons: Braga & Goldscale Worshippers    P
83.                        508008730170205 Grey Mountain Dragons: Venomblade Assassin      RE      c01 A   02      cc
84.                        508008930170203 Grey Mountain Dragons: Goldscale Priest RE      c01     Sou_A
88.                        503024411570206 Beornings: Meneldor & Swiftbeak Flock   PL      a15     Sou_A   02      cc
89.                        506007411470209 Men of Esgaroth: Bard & Greystreak Bowmen       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
90.                        506003211470203 Men of Esgaroth: Bain & Quickstrings Gang / Trout Guild Militia PL
93.                        508000730770201 Grey Mountain Dragons: Bofur on Cold-Drake      RE      b07     Sou
94.                        508009130170208 Grey Mountain Dragons: Dragon Thrall    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
101.                      505016330970203 Dol Guldur: The Willowhags      RE      b09     Sou_A   02      cc
110.                      502054111470200 Silvan Elves: Legolas & Mirkwood Fire Archers   PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
111.                      503025511470205 Beornings: Gorm & Woodmen Axethrowers / Skin-Changers   PL         cc
112.                      503025711870201 Beornings: Whisperbark / Gnarlfir       PL      a18     Sou_A   02      cc

115.                      505017830770201 Dol Guldur: Bloodwraiths        RE      b07     Sou_A   02      cc
116.                      505017930170277 Dol Guldur: Gwethil     RE      c01     Sou_A   02      li
122.                      503023811570205 Beornings: Black Bear Pack      PL      a15     Sou_A   02      cc
123.                      504017211470202 Wargs: Feral Wolf Pack  PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
124.                      504018111870208 Wargs: The Werebeast    PL      a18     Sou_A   02      cc
134.                      504016311470204 Wargs: Lagdush & Orc Wolfcloak Warriors PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
135.                      504018211470209 Wargs: Narzug & Orc Warg-Riders PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
136.                      504018430770203 Wargs: Dol Guldur Orc Overlords RE      b07     Sou_A   02      cc
137.                      507013330170204 White Council: Radagast with Roäc & Swoop      RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
138.                      507015330170208 White Council: Galadriel (Water Steed)  RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
149.                      504018530770202 Wargs: Orc Chieftain on Warg    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
150.                      504018930770208 Wargs: Orc Wolfbone Shaman      RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
151.                      507013130770208 White Council: The War Council  RE      b07     Sou_A   02      cc
152.                      507021730170205 Gandalf (Dual Sword)    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
153.                      999023730110288 Turin, The Dragonslayer RE      c01     Len_B   02      pr
156.                      500076330970202 Dwarves: Dragon Mithril Company of Dwarves      RE      b09     Sou_A   02      cc
159.                      503026230970205 Beornings: Enraged Beorn        RE      b09     Sou_A   02      cc
166.                      500075611470202 Dwarves: Dáin Ironfoot & Iron Hill Boar Riders PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
168.                      501085711470209 Mountain Orcs: Bolg & Great Goblin Bodyguard    PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
169.                      502074530770200 Silvan Elves: Mirkwood Warhost  RE      b07     Sou_A   02      cc
170.                      506002311470205 Men of Esgaroth: Alfrid & Loyal Town Guard      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
171.                      506007711470206 Men of Esgaroth: Garf & Footsoldiers of the Dale        PL      a14
Sou_A   02      cc
181.                      501087411470206 Mountain Orcs: Armoured Hill-Trolls / Frenzied Trolls   PL      a
182.                      501085930170201 Mountain Orcs: Orc Stone Thrower        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
183.                      502055430170208 Silvan Elves: King Thranduil (Battle Garb)      RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
184.                      502055630170206 Silvan Elves: Tauriel (Mounted) RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
185.                      502055930170203 Silvan Elves: Castellan Amroth  RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
188.                      505025111870205 Dol Guldur: The Necromancer / Flesh Avatar      PL      a18     Sou_A   02      cc
189.                      505024830770209 Dol Guldur: Narzug & Orc Summoner Coven RE      b07     Sou_A   02      cc
193.                      505014611470206 Dol Guldur: Tomb Wights PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
194.                      505015211470207 Dol Guldur: Mounted Tomb Wights PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
195.                      507011511470204 White Council: Galadriel & Lórien Drumhooves   PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
196.                      507012511270207 White Council: Chief Aravir & Dúnedain Rangers PL      a12     Sou_A   02      cc
197.                      507021630170206 White Council:  Dúnedain Runecaster    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
204.                      505026311470202 Dol Guldur: Saruman & The Ringwraiths   PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
205.                      505024611470205 Dol Guldur: Vampire Bat Swarms  PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
208.                      507011811470201 White Council: Elrond & Rivendell Spearguard    PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
209.                      507012011470206 White Council: Elros & Rivendell Outriders      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
217.                      503025030170204 Beornings: Grimbeorn (Greataxe) RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
218.                      507012111070207 White Council: Radagast's Chariot / Spellfire Cart      PL      a10     Sou_A   02      cc
219.                      508012330170206 Grey Mountain Dragons: Fell Hatchlings  RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
220.                      500076630170203 Dwarves: Dís, Mother of Kili and Fili  RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
221.                      500076830170201 Dwarves: Gimli (Stubble)        RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
222.                      500077230170204 Dwarves: Samwise Gamgee (Red Book)      RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
227.                      507020530170200 White Council: Cirdan the Shipwright    RE      c01     Sou_A   02      cc
Note: does not contain re-releases, non-miniature products or the miniature range with codes below 2xxx
230.                      Note: contains only boxes that are currently NOT in mass production, expect release beginning in june 2013 at the earliest, the bulk of the releases for the first movie are done by then 
231.                      Note: leaked before the announcement of the third movie, unknown if this is accounted for
232.                      Note: not every release has to be based on the movie, Games Workshop has released miniatures before that were omitted by PJ, like Glorfindel, Elladan & Elrohir, and so on

And here follows the adventures, books I guess. Probably they will be released, as normal, in bundles: An adventure and accompanying models...

113.                      504017811870297 Adventure: Clash of the Beasts  PL      a18     Sou_A   02      
284054630110202 Kroot Kroothawks        RE      c01     Len_B   02      cc
286010311080200 Cult Hybrid Upgrade Pack        PL      a10     XianD   02      cc
271074811440399 Chaos Daemons Warp Stalkers / Chaos Furies      PL      a14     Len_A   03      
160.                      506006311470296 Adventure: Thorin's Folly       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
161.                      500100411470296 Adventure: Thorin's Folly       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
162.                      506005811470294 Adventure: The Battle of Five Armies    PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
114.                      503030711870298 Adventure: Clash of the Beasts  PL      a18     Sou_A   02     
30.                        505000112070298 Adventure: Gandalf's Quest      PL      a20     Sou_A   02      5
31.                        507060412070297 Adventure: Gandalf's Quest      PL      a20     Sou_A   02      5
37.                        500071011870291 Adventure: The Battle at the East Gate  PL      a18     Sou_A
38.                        501100211870295 Adventure: The Battle at the East Gate  PL      a18     Sou_A
53.                        508000011570292 Adventure: The Fall of Dale     PL      a15     Sou_A   02      50
54.                        506000111570293 Adventure: The Fall of Dale     PL      a15     Sou_A   02      50
206.                      507010211470293 Adventure: The Haunted Tombs    PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
207.                      502090611470296 Adventure: The Haunted Tombs    PL      a14     Sou_A   02     
70.                        506000112070297 Adventure: The Belltower        PL      a20     Sou_A   02      50
71.                        508020112070293 Adventure: The Belltower        PL      a20     Sou_A   02      50
72.                        508008011870299 Adventure: A Thief in the Night PL      a18     Sou_A   02     
73.                        500100511870293 Adventure: A Thief in the Night PL      a18     Sou_A   02      5
91.                        508000611570296 Adventure: Assault on the Aerie PL      a15     Sou_A   02     
92.                        503030111570293 Adventure: Assault on the Aerie PL      a15     Sou_A   02     
99.                        502065111470299 Adventure: The Clearing of Foul Roots   PL      a14     Sou_A   02    
100.                      505040111470293 Adventure: The Clearing of Foul Roots   PL      a14     Sou_A   02     
102.                      507010912070297 Adventure: Assault on the Barrows       PL      a20     Sou_A   02      
103.                      505040712070298 Adventure: Assault on the Barrows       PL      a20     Sou_A   02      
132.                      501084411870296 Adventure: Raid on the Wizard Hut       PL      a18     Sou_A   02      
133.                      504030111870293 Adventure: Raid on the Wizard Hut       PL      a18     Sou_A   02      
154.                      500075811470293 Adventure: The Last Stand       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
155.                      501100511470294 Adventure: The Last Stand       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
157.                      502074211470290 Adventure: The Raven Hill       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
158.                      501100811470291 Adventure: The Raven Hill       PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
163.                      502090111470291 Adventure: The Battle of Five Armies    PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
164.                      500076111870295 Adventure: Breaking the Siege   PL      a18     Sou_A   02      
165.                      508020711870294 Adventure: Breaking the Siege   PL      a18     Sou_A   02      
167.                      501085611470200 Adventure: Revenge of the Goblin King   PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
172.                      504017611470291 Adventure: Blacksoil Slope      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
173.                      500100111470299 Adventure: Blacksoil Slope      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
175.                      508008411470204 Grey Mountain Dragons: Money Bags & Hired Knives        PL      a14    
174.                      504019411470204 Adventure: The Final Onslaught  PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
186.                      503026411870201 Adventure: The Clouds Burst     PL      a18     Sou_A   02      cc
187.                      505025011470208 Adventure: The Ritual   PL      a14     Sou_A   02      cc
215.                      503023512070295 Adventure: The Blight Breach    PL      a20     Sou_A   02      
216.                      505040312070291 Adventure: The Blight Breach    PL      a20     Sou_A   02      
225.                      507010611470299 Adventure: Gollum's Escape      PL      a14     Sou_A   02      
226.                      505040611470298 Adventure: Gollum's Escape      PL      a14     Sou_A   02