

Official dwarf chariot: 1400 SEK

Not cheap as chips. Coincidentally, I have made a similar one that fits a less unwieldly base (120 mm oval), you might have seen it. After having some problems with the moulds, I had to not sell it (had planned to sell it for 600 SEK a piece plus base and freight). And now this company releases this one. I must admit, their goats look better, but all in all I think I did an acceptable job. The official one below is solely based on the movies. For (C)-reasons, I changed some things up in my designs... you can find the posts in the sidebar, under year 2016 if you would like to see it. The paintjob was a fast and shitty one so I shan't post the pictures next to this professionally painted model.

I have been swamped with things other than the hobby, hence the no-posting that's been going on. I haven't touched a model in roughly the same amount of time I haven't touched a young lass, which is both pathetic and uplifting. Perhaps.
     Humans, oy vey, you annoy me and I annoy you, obviously, but I must say this: It is a good thing to note that summer is soon here and I will get some relaxation from all the musts. What happened to us? All these musts... questions that pretentious idiots have been asking themselves since the '80:s I suppose.
    Also: What happened to Colonel O'truth's miniature misc.-webspotpage? Can someone enlighten me?