

GW: Middle-Earth

GW is re-releasing a bunch of their models. The infantry models used to come 24 in a box (generally two sprues, sometimes 20 models per box, as were the case with the Uruk-hai Warriors, for example) then were cut to only one sprue per box for the same price, or sometimes even a slight increase. Now, we are back to two sprues, and I can only hope that there are new moulds because the earliest plastic sprues for LotR showed sign of a lot of use: All the newly produced WoMT and WoTLA-sprues had serious flashing and seemed more like China-quality, when compared to how pristine they were in the beginning of LotR: SBG.

Wraith on a fell beast, Rohirrim, Morannon orcs, a troll (I would assume a plastic one) and a bunch of ghastly warriors. Rules and some other publication...

Seems okay. I do not like the dice and their pricing, but to each their own. If we build it, they will come, as was once said somewhere by someone, probably a religiously inclined person. But... what... do I... know... ?

I have moved once more, and have left all my models in another part of Sweden, and I work a lot and I will get electronick moneysis put into my bank account because Swedes are soon not allowed to have cash. Also, a few "select" Swedes have injected chips instead of having to deal with the immense hassle to carry a blipping-card with themselves. Much better to have a chip in your hand.

Sweden, the fuckest of them all. But to each their own... wasn't it so?

But back on track: I rent a room and have 0 (zero) hobby stuff with me. I do not even have a book with me. I took two bags, left home and moved into an apartment with two other humans, and once more I am dealing with the hopeless apartment-situation that has been brought upon us by EU/Swedish politicians/do-godders that have promoted and pushed the massive immigration upon us... Good bye, enjoy GW:s products.


Another break

I'll be relocating once more, so another break is to be expected. Probably very long. See you, Space Cowboy!