

Next boat project: A mechanical Whale?

Inspired by SeethTzeentch's latest review of a game, this picture popped by. How in the world could it be crowbared into the semi-Middle-earth world that my hobby now deals with? I would do its hull at water-level (there is a name for this amongst historical ship-model builders, something along like half-hull or water-hull).

1) Which side? Dwarves would be so kliché, but alas so suitable. Even though there are lots pointing towards them not being particularly water-liking in Arda, as they are in Warcraft II.
2) How would the front of the "boat" look like? Like a fishie?
3) Is it a submarine? No... rather a semi-submarine.
4) Number three answers the next question, which is about its way of attacking, what weapons it should have: A ram should be the primary weapon and something quirky that complements it based on the faction I decide to own it.
5) Colour scheme? Bronze and verdigris?


The Big European Decline

The Big European Decline and physical conflicts on an individual level

Miniature wargaming deals with war, obviously. It is a fun challenge to learn the rules and prepare and paint your models, and there's an even bigger challenge to actually beat your friend in a game. Previously I have, a bit silly perhaps, stated that I dislike playing modern wargames - I have heard others mention this, but generally in a somewhat pretentious manner and obviously on forums I do not participate in (no one should feel singled out by this, is what I am saying). And why are modern wargames not to my liking? Because it is "too close" to reality. It is no fun when a game portray young European men going into war for the bankers or other bad guys and gutting each other and spilling brains and guts of sons, brothers and husbands. Have you ever watched a war movie? The wounds might have looked grisly in one of the more realistic one, Saving Private Ryan, but I assure you there are many ways a young man can be wounded and still live a few days before expiring... without a face, with guts exposed and no arms... or surviving after the Great War without a nose and eyes until an infection finally killed him off, ending that particular young, intelligent man's life.

I am firm believer in violence, let me preface this. I enjoy inflicting tempered violence upon those that deserve it and it is nice to see a person that I have defeated bleed and flee or just stay there in the (fulfilled) hope that I might accept his submission (I write "his" submission even though I am okay with violence against women, but it is generally not needed as they are extremely weak physically, and besides they tend to enjoy psychological dominance more). But for some reason I can not stand watching other people hurt others, it annoys me and disgust me - in general, there are obvious exceptions, like when "thugs" get what they deserve, that is generally very positive. Nothing more, nothing less than positive - there are no other feelings included or hinted at here: No happiness, no feeling of triumph or justice or even glee... Perhaps a tad of satisfaction that the world is a slightly better place. Most of the time I can feel a slight jealousy, that I would have wanted to take care of the situation but most of the time I am happy to just watch and draw conclusions for future altercations.

Having said that, I would like to segue into The Big Decline that is plauging my part of the world, and very likely yours too if you are a blogger, blog reader or hobbyist because that is a big hint on where you live and who you are. The Big Decline is in my opinion instrumented, but I shall avoid talking about the details as I see them, but instead continue with what realities The Big Decline brings into your life and how you, as a man, might need some information to easier deal with the new "experiences" that you might have to deal with.

What am I talking about? Why, violence on the streets, of course! But I am not talking about a drunken bar fight or the old schoolyard fight where blows were exchanged until one yielded (wheter by force or submitted by acting weak or "tactically reatreated" into the restrooms), nor am I talking about two men that got into an argument which turned violent because both men believed he could take down the other. A gentleman-y fight where when the first one went down the other had won and would walk away, or even help his former adversary - and even call the ambulance had he fallen badly and cracked his skull open (a bunch of examples like this happened in Sweden pre-multiculturalism).

My view on violence is non-complicated: It is a tool that can be enjoyed, just like filing and prepping a nice resin model to be ready for the primer. But unlike resin models violence can turn extremely ugly for you (I guess resin models can kill you if you skip the respiratory protection... ) and here's where I want to nuance what was said above about liking violence: I often get into small confrontations with the aggressive multicultural crowds here in Sweden since they behave extremely badly in general, but this does not mean violence 100% of the time, rather 1%...

Apparently, this paired with a somewhat stressful life these latest years, has not worked wonders stress wise, and after a smaller affliction I had to go to the emergency. Between 17.30 and 01.30 there was nothing to do but sit and think in the hospital, waiting for the understaffed doctors to tend to me (there were some rather grisly cases before me, so I waited stoically with my irregular pulse of 100-126). I had some heart-related issues and amongst other things I wondered about my high rate of pulse, which in turn got me thinking on the time I chased a smaller group of teens away and how my pulse for the first time got so high that I got "my heart in throath" as the saying goes here ("hjärtat i halsgropen"). It surprised me at the time as I had won the day, that I had such a strange stress reaction. It subsided within two, three minutes and it was a non-event at the time.

Sitting there in overcrowded emergency room I realized it was because I had had a rather conflict free time for a while at the time and I was simply unused to the prospect of violence. Had the "teens" decided to turn around after the long chase (I am a bad runner) I might have gotten a sound beating, which is part of the fun of course - but still, I had gotten weak mentally, just like you get weak when you stop lifting!

The visit to the emergency happened a few days ago, and despite my heart problems or whatever it is, I still will not allow to be looked down upon by the marauding orcs in my area, and a day after I got into a "discussion" with a super annoying third worlder. I realized that while I stood my ground well, and portrayed a strong facade I got increasingly ready to piss. Even to the point of pissing my pants!

Thankfully, the guy yielded (somewhat) and we went our separate ways. This almost-pissing-my-pants was not a good sign. And it annoys the heck out of me when I read on prepper forums or other forums that handles conflicts how many arm chair super heroes there are. Here I was, well experienced in dealing with physical confrontation, and I was ready to piss my pants over a heated argument (granted I was extremely angry) with a third worlder?! Pissing your pants is a sign of submission, shitting your pants is a sign of wanting to escape a situation, in my opinion - I am sure that sheltered psychologists have lumped the two behaviours together, but I think they are two somewhat separate things, even though they are closely linked together.

And I read on forums, some stupid shit saying that "if X happened to me I would just do a round house on the first guy and a ninja move on the three ones to my right". No, you would most likely be so stressed that you'd shut down and let the "youths" do whatever they like with you - and considering the racist hate their dark hearts are filled with, it would not turn out okay for you.

Do you know how I deal with conflict? In the ancient way, and that is knowing that it is 99% posture and tribal huffing and puffin'. Obviously I am almost always alone when moving about in my medium sized Swedish city, but I know this without having been taught: If a guy or guys shows subtle signs of "let's call this off" or putting out an olive branch, changes the subject or do a non-sequiteur like "my friend, you never went to the kebab-place over there it is the best, don't you like it my brother?", then they have sized you up, and while they might not have been impressed by you, they have decided that the water is either too murky or, in my case, they went out on the deep end and did not like it. You have not really won, but you did not lose - especially if you aren't the aggressor, which I am rarely, I get "attacked" for not averting my eyes or giving place to the invading males that fills our streets.

So, do not mistake a bludgeon with olive leaves on it as an olive branch, but do take it as a sign of "this could turn ugly for both sides" and leave with your dignity and let them keep theirs by not shouting stupid shit like "Yeah, walk away fucking kebab-techie!", because then you'll get most of your front cranium crushed into as many as 45 fragments, as has happened here. Although in that example, the Swedish lady that got her face crushed just happened to try to get away from a third worlder's advances. Some scenarios are simply unwinnable so make sure you do not get yourself into them (which actually is most important lesson).

- - -

The most fundamental difference between a real man and a woman (I will include weakling men into this category) when it comes to conflict/violence, is how they deal with conflict when they perceive themselves as winners: A weakling man and a woman will often overreach and show their triumph and start to verbally abuse the guy that's seemingly backing down. This will, in the case of a weakling man, often lead to violence, which invariably turns ugly for the wealking man, as he did not understand he was offered a peaceful way to retreat. I have seen it very few times in Sweden, since wealking men here are extremely weak and will back down from a stiff breeze (talking about the prospect of physical violence here, beta Swedes are quite strong in other ways that impress me sometimes) so it rarely happens. But numerous videos I have perused show this behaviour again and again, and I have personally experienced it with our Police "men" and women - they don't know when to start, and they do not know when to stop as they all have a very feminized way of viewing conflict.

So, when it comes to dangerous situations, these two rules apply:

1) Avoid unwinnable scenarios. Simply by thinking once or twice before getting into a non-taxed cab operated by two people that became "Swedes" yesterday, for example. Especially if you are a lady, but I doubt that many women read this blog so it doesn't matter...

2) Learn to recognize when it is time to go separate ways in silence.

3) Do not be afraid to use violence, and remember that some people die from one bad fall after a single hit and others need to be kicked in the head and stomped before they are pacified - and the weaker you are, the more stomping you need, because everyone seems dangerous to you (more often than not Swedes that are getting victimized by the invaders end up getting two or three teeth stomped out of their mouths and most victims of these people get skeletal and cranial injuries (sometimes fatal a week later due to internal bleeding) - this can't be due to the aggressors being afraid can't it? A lot of elderly have been killed or almost killed in this fashion... I wonder why? Could it be for other reasons than being afraid?!


I have travelled a bit and have come to realize how bad Sweden has become if you dislike being dominated by stupid shits. But I realized how well I have been trained these years... I have visited some weird places and everywhere I go I am not afraid, because I have seen worse in my own country! And in almost every country I have visited, I know that while the police might be a lot more openly corrupt, the officers still tend to be men and they actually do something when a crime is committed (especially as a visitor). Here, you will get jailed for defending yourself and hurting the aggressor. If you do not defend yourself, even better for the state, because then you will be just another victim and no agrgessor can be identified because the police did not show up and nothing useful can be gathered from any of thousand surveillance cameras because the beating of a Swede is a low priority crime, just like the hundreds of gang rapes, robbings and general rioting that happens every year.

And you Swedish men reading here, spare me the comment of "Hurr durr I have never been in a confrontation before why are you alwways getting into trouble and X and Z and Y", you know why you haven't because you have backed down and submitted, either knowingly or subconsious, and it eats away the little testosterone you have left. Start asserting yourself, make demands of your peers and enemies and general surroundings and stop averting your eyes, stop allowing certain people taking your space from you. And most of all, leave the car at home, start walking or take the bike and you will start to interact with these new Swedes that are so different from the Persian dentist you meet once a year ("he's so nice, everyone must be nice like him, why did SD get X% of the votes?!?!" while you live in your ethnically homogenous little enclave and fill your big brain with propaganda from the state run TV company (which has a budget of 6 billion SEK) run by extreme leftists and pharisées and similar types...

Lastly, don't believe the media that says our crime is low. There's plenty to go around, it is just that they do not report it. Perhaps I am a living attractor to shitty people just like the guy in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who attracted rains/was-a-rain-god, and I just have happened to see these "extremely unusual events" such as cars exploding, torchings, numerous failed apprehensions by our "police" etc that my worldview is just outrageously wrong... But consider what our media and politicians are calling "an isolated event" and what is "part and parcel of living in a big city" and draw your conclusions.

What does all this have to with wargaming? Not much, just me explaining the backstory why I do not like ultra-violence or violent video games or even games, I prefer the real deal, but in the proper way, not the "lets' gang up on the old man and kill him for 100 SEK" way. That is the way of very stupid and boring people.