

Yearly Wrap-up: 10 years of blogging

Unless I have counted wrong, this is the tenth year of bloggoholism. Many twist and turns in my personal life, the blog has stayed somewhat on track. Many weird posts, some I have deleted because they were a tad to feisty. Made a few entertaining ones. I do not know if I have liked blogging, it has been something I have done to help - or rather, willingly exacerbate - my hobby doings. There were perhaps 10 posts first year, and now, on this tenth year, we landed on 11. The bell curve is complete. The tops are obvious.

Stop reading here if you are having a good day, it is a bit... un-joyous, semi-political stuff, you know, the stuff we all love reading when looking for hobby-stuff.

Thanks to mr J and ms N for this wonderous image.

Many unpleasant things have happened in my life (such is life), and in other peoples' life of course, not trying to be a debbie-downer or cry-baby, and a bunch of interesting and pleasant things have happened as well. The hobby doesn't immediately bore me at this time, but neither do my complete lack of enthusiasm for hobby - and most things - really help me in to get interesting projects done. My tiny apartment that I had to queue for more than 10 years for doesn't help, it is hard to let a project stay on the one (1) table that is both food place, as well as a place for 0-1 guests if there should be any. It also functions as a general work table, with the computer on etc.

It annoys me also, because everything I do in this apartment reminds me of what I am desperately, every day trying to forget: The soft genocide of Swedes. 

That the immigrant next doors came directly from Hazarian territory in Afghanistan (or so he alleges), without "papers" (he is an illegal alien, like many are in this "nation") and was given a thrice as big apartment as myself after a short few months in Sweden, without having to queue, and that this happens ten thousand times over every year in Sweden, effectively locking young ethinic Swedish men totally out from the rental market - not to mention locking us all out of buying your property (the financial institute's property, really), since the rental apartment market is so fucked, which drives the prices up immensly. All these media-fucktards and politicians claims to love immigration but they all are fighting until their claws fall off to not live close to them. They all congregate at the most expensive places, and directly driving prices up everywhere - not just in Stockholm (the shitty capital of Sweden - it used to be acceptable, however), but even in places without jobs!

"Socio-economic" reasons they say. When each and every one that becomes a "newly arrived Swede" will get more money in hand from us tax-payer than tens of thousands of Swedish elderly people, whose pensions are laughingly low. Thanks for building Sweden, now in the bin with you. I could make a list long as the border of Swedistan and still not have listed all the outrageously unjust things that goes on...


This "newly arrived Swede" has friends that comes around, and they are claiming to be 17 (I manage to get information on my hands if one would like to critize the thruthfullness of my info here) and are now going to school with Swedish girls around 14-16 years old. The men are probably around 30-3, but with weirdo Swedish old lefty-ladies manning all the immigration-positions, this is what happens: They say, "Fuck you, I am 17, give me PUT, an apartment and school payment" etc. Fresh and sound. You can probably guess what this does with the crime statistics against 12-16 year old girls in Sweden? It is a form of nation-wide Stockholm syndrome. It is extra annoying as I have been warning against this since even before 2000... I want no part of this, but I am along for this ride straight into oblivion.

This is 1 issue out of a million issues connected to the destruction of my people and country. This and the other million issues that just stays over mine and many other Swedish men's head like an awful, zombie-like shit storm (and maybe it stays over a few females' heads as well, I know not and care not) and this storm is very successful at sucking out all joy of life. I am fighting it everyday, because the evil powers that be shan't have that satisfaction. I shall try to get back at the hobby despite mr Hazarian getting a bunch of free money for no effort, which means he prowls the neighbourhood for children to molest and things to steal and destroy. 

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... a few interesting meetings with fellow hobbyists have been the absolute top of good things coming out the hobby - meeting Scott in Australia, and obviously visiting mr J...

... which I did once more this month... Wihoooo!!!

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Visited my dear friend mr J, which was a very good change of scenery, although there are other problems there - although, in root exactly the same, I would guess.

 ... root, see what I did there, did a funny... We had made a big order that arrived well before I landed, but mr J was strong as steel and did not fall for the temptation to open all the boxes and just go bananas.

He built an undead army, and I built a small Kharadron army, and we whipped up some nice mini-campaign rules and hade a fair few fights. It was quite entertaining I tell you. I managed to get 8 normal dryads painted, as well as 4 more interestingly assembled as some sort of special guys, and this mega-dryad above. Mr J forced me to use contrast paints and OMFGDSDSFASD were they good, basically painted itself. The contrast paints feels like cheating...

The homemade Kharadron ship with the official ship. The flightstand naturally snapped in transit, so mr J provided a mega-strong stick which did the trick. Never really got the time to build crew nor to really fix the painting - wanted to add an anchor, weapons and a bunch of small details but, hey-ho, mr J can fiddly-fiddle with it if he so choses to.

The dryads... I have always found the dryads an excellent kit and it was fun to just get into it. In all I think we must have had 7-8 games of Age of Sigmar and a bunch of games of a homemade boardgame, which name shan't be named here due to IP-reasons lol. We painted a bunch of models and I got to tan myself to a nice ruddy red.

We shall see if the bell-curve takes a weird turn and the blogging activity comes back again, but don't count on it - with the new job (which is why I had to rent this mini-apartment) and other stuff, I am not so interested in it. Again, I have always prided (prodded?) myself with doing the hobby with discipline and for some slight satisfaction of a job done, never really enjoyed it, so I shall have to fire up the old discipline module again. Suspecting the new job takes most of the energy for discipline, and depletes it lol. Abrupt end.


Middle-earth - Forgeworld

Are the new releases from FW new, or are they re-releases?

It matters perhaps little, as I am not overly interested in the Hobbits. Nice models, however. If anyone wonders, this blogpost obviously is a unit filler. Really haven't been blogging as much as I would like, but life gets in the way.

In other another news GW is re-releasing some old models and for some reason (sales-reasons) they keep some items up, even if they are sold out, with a note saying "Sold out online", which is annoying. But that is perhaps not important. What is important is that Colonel o'Truth is back online...

Fricking awesome! Sorry about all the f-bombs last update, but I wasn't really happy with my work week


Life and wargaming fences

Hello, dear readers. I fucking hate my job and 30% of my collegeages - as well as how to spell that word. Annoying as F. Additionally I am annoyed by 100% of Sweden, Swedes and her politicians. But enough about me and spelling:

Fences, for battling mr J! These wicked sick fences are all quite flimsy and lazily painted, but I do hope they will serve their purpose.
Went to see Joker with a buddy of mine. It was actually quite good to be a "super hero movie", and I enjoyed it. Funny that the leftist fuckers want to plaster it as a "incel movie" when in fact it is about lefty Antifa-fuckers... still, it was enjoyable.

In other news, I hate my foreman and would happily pay up to 100 000 SEK to watch him die, but that is probably quite common in Swedistan nowadays... goodbye gamers/fuckers, here's to hoping that 2020 will bring about at least a 100 posts!!!!


DIY Kharadron Ironclad - a lick of paint

Asked mr J what to do aboooot the brightness, and he jovially concluded to tone down the darn metals, which I did. It is looking better now. I might add some verdigris after the metals have been worked a bit more on. Front gun is fine as it is. I will also do some work on the floors, as well as paint and then attach the anchor.

The windows are square but look okay-ish. Might paint them like glass. Perhaps.
Not sure how shiny the propellers are going to be. The exhaust vents really look better on these pictures, IRL they look like exactly what they are, plastic straws (which are not condoned by fucking worthless idiots like the ones below)

I am too much of a Swede to be able to feel hate, but there is something about Hollywood that revolts me, the empty people and the pretentious directors - ugly, toadlike and generally just leeching off of better human beings' ideas. We all know what the ancient Greeks thought of actors. Prostitutes... Which, I suppose they still are.

That is one of the reasons I should repeat myself: This is not an original Llama-idea, but very much copied from GW.

To end on a happy note...


Painting the Ironclad


Many moons ago I friendzoned a lady, she has now steadied herself with a retard of a guy and hence have left all of her former persona behind and taken his as hers, as many ladies do when they find someone dominant enough. Her new guy is insufferable, but so am I sometimes, so it works... Anywho and anyhow, she gifted me with all her paints! I have not shown all of them here as some of them are quite specific and outable, if you get what I mean.


Not sure on how to continue with this thing... verdigris? It feels lazy but would add something... as it is now, it is too flat...

Haven't even started to paint the surrounding dude-dwarfs yet, think I might save it for S.A. - too much at work for now... today I think I made roughly 10 phone calls, received 30-some calls, dealt with at least three or four serious "fires" started by others, and dodged a humiliating meeting as well as dodged my closest boss wanting to eat lunch with me... feck off please, I want at least 20 minutes of peace and quiet... :/


Kharadron Overlords: Ironclad basecoated

Quite the overexposure in this picture, and most of the other ones in this update. But it matter little as it is more important to get a good look at the general construction. In the end, I will try to emulate the official GW paintscheme to try to tie it into the Kharadron-thing - it is also good as it pays a healthy homage to the model I was very much inspired by.

As tradition bides, I started with the metals.

Then I did a warm blue, almost going towards purple as the basecoat for the hull.

And then two more layers of lighter and lighter purple. The exhaust vents doesn't really look like what they are in reality, but in this picture I am only thinking of "Would you like a large or small coke with your McMeal?"
Wow, the front cannon really looks malplacé ici...

... in reality, it looks great, take my word for it, lol...
That is it for now, see you later, people.


Arkanaut Ironclad, primed

Perhaps it is sized more like the Overlord's frigate, but it matters very little. We shall keep calling this project an Ironclad.

Will need to fix the priming with a brush as the can-method had to be done covertly since I now live in an even smaller apartment than previously. Which is quite "interesting" as the newly renovated 4-roomer across the street was given to a "newly arrived" family of 4 from what I assume is Eritrea. I called the bureau that keeps tabs on all registred persons in Swedistan and said - as is our right, still - that I wanted to know when this family moved in there. Got a date a few months after I moved in. Okay, where did the man live before? 

"Nowhere. We have no address, most likely they are 'newly arrived', yes." apparently they did not even go to one of the temporary places you go when you (automatically) get temporary okay-to-stay (TuT) but was immediately placed in a fresh apartment. I had roughly 11 years in the queue to get this place, had needed a few years more if I had wanted anything else than the smallest, most run down apartment (ground floor) known for the sporadic break-ins that happen here. Who do you think pay the rent for the 4-room apartment across the street? If you can spend your days in leisure, walking about and BBQ:ing everyday I do not think you have much time - or interest - to get a job. And this is one example, there are roughly 500 000 more that are equally bad, 500 000 that are many times worse, and perhaps 500 000 that are even worserer as we say.

Let's have some humour to break this shit up...

 It is funny because it is tr... jaja, you've heard it before.

Before priming and before the sticks that hold the fly-balls together were added.

This has to be one of the worst balanced models I have ever made, but for many reasons it has to be that way. The fly stand will likely break very soon which will force me to redo some things, but I will try to ignore that for now and get to painting later next week. This and the next week will be filled with work.

After priming. Sticks added.

While the idea is very much high fantasy I did not manage to get the right GW-look. It will take some time to acklimatize (please help me spell this word) myself with the exaggerated ornamentation of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar...


Kharadron Ironclad - homemade

The construction continues at the Duardin shipyard. It has been enlightening for me to try to emulate Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - or basically just the typical Games Workshop chunkiness. Yes, it is cartoony, and yes the dwarves are huge, and so are some of the details. Not to mention the over-the-top magic engines and the whole steampunkiness which adds no realism. Instead it adds some healthy playfulness, perhaps. Anyway, it has been a nice change of pace, and the chunky boat has gone from a small idea to something that starts to look heavily influenced by the offical models - but still something own, and still with the general "tech" looking somewhat like the original and some of the equipment as passable proxies for the bombs, the guns and mines.

Most of the larger parts of this model is more or less plastic wast, bottle caps and so on... So I am fighting climate hoax. It used to be called global warming, all the ice on Iceland would explode before 2010, and as that did not happen, now they call it "climate change" because the weather is often different...

This little chunky fantasy door was a nice learning experience. It might look like a naval door, something found aboard a submarine, but the GW attention to detail was nice to try to emulate. In the end I had not the patience and simplified it - and as I said in a previous post: One door is enough, no need for one both starboard and the other side.

The pew-pew-pew cannon (model after the hand-cranked multi-barreled guns that was first used (maaaybe) in ACW?) is mounted on a state-of-the-art tower with a huge round railing of cogs that make it turn by handpower. The dwarf sitting inside has a little crank, just like the AA-guns of old had.
You can see the "dumbed down" versions of the fly-balls to the right in this picture. They have much less details than what the proper model has, mainly because if I would do the same amount without copying GW:s model straight off, it would not have turned out okay as it had needed a lot more thinking and planning than I felt like. Instead I filled it with as much details as I could stomach - coming from Lord of the Rings-models - and didn't bother with the huge iron heel which should edge around the two halves of each ball, as there are no welding in Age of Sigmar. I pretended that the Duardin had managed to make it pressure proof in some other way. The metal banding is impossible to keep it together and quite difficult to construct, but who gives a flap?
Added fins that are much less characterful than the real Ironclad. The fins on the original is nice and fancy but I prefer this, especially as I am growing bored with this project and its details.
... speaking of the weather, it has been very warm here in Swedistan. I don't know how hot but enough for me to rather stay at home. Doing hobby was not pleasant as I was too lazy to move my tabletop fan to the table I was working at. Besides, it would have fanned all the little parts down on the floor.
A few weeks ago I had to use mittens and a beanie when going to work. Beginning of July?! Very cold.
Double propeller attached, model now has to sit upside-down to not break. I am dreading how the flight stand will manage... when the fly balls are attached its weight will increase with roughly 30-32%, and it barely stands now. It's the main, bottom fin that makes it difficult to mount it properly.
These are the five drop-bombs that I managed to scrounge up in my bits boxs and drawers. I can only hope they will meld well into the rest of the model so one doesn't give them too much attention as they really could use a lot of work. Work I am not willing to put in. Again, the official model has 6 on each side, three types. One fragmentation, one drill and another one. In the fluff they can be used for various types of mining, IIRC.

Going with GeeDubbs design, but simpler, I settled with a pair of propellers on a single axis, instead of five or ten.

Apparently this image happened to land here, so voila, these guys again. Shoddy rudders.

And this is where I left off last time I posted about this beast.
"Yes, that is correct." the reader said looking at said picture. That's you readers, you are two ladies. That's how I see you in my mind's eye, as they say. Two bored ladies reading about... about... about, I don't know really anymore.

Would it be wise to do a whole army Kharadron inspired by the bad guys from Dune? One of them has a fly-thing...

"You go right ahead, Llama." the readers said in chorus smiling ironically. Okay, that might be a little too much...