Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit: Miniature wargaming - movement trays, conversions and sculpting.
Rotflmao - LOL!!!111!!! Steve OMFG! ROX?
Ghouls (Mantic Games), Angmar
Dragon of Ancient Times (Llama), Misty Mountains
Sauron (Games Workshop), Mordor
Mordor Trolls (Games Workshop, modified by Llama), Mordor
The Ringwraiths Abroad (Llama), Mordor
Pictures below for other purposes other than to show off. In fact, the Mahûds were supposed to be black-and-white (AKA grayscale) to avoid copyright BS, but something got horribly wrong and the other two, size-comparisions got it instead. Well...
OMFG dude (LOL, 371T3), finally a real update! See I right or has Sauron a green shimmer in the metal? Och gulerna ser ju bra ut me. Tre (guld)stjärnor
OMFG dude (LOL, 371T3), finally a real update! See I right or has Sauron a green shimmer in the metal? Och gulerna ser ju bra ut me. Tre (guld)stjärnor
Hr du sett det här: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?catId=cat440134a&categoryId=1000019§ion=&aId=5700005&_requestid=297040
SvaraRaderaEn massa SBG stats och regler som ligger utlagda på GW
I have seen it...
SvaraRaderaThö gröna shimmer is sadly from the underground han står pau.