

War of the Ring blog redux

I will within the week change the layout of this blog in order to get the army-get-together pictures their own little page just below the title. Since blogger so kindly let me use their space I will not complain on the problems that will occure. It could just be me being bad with comm'púters (was going to post some IT-crowd here but jaja) - as the old saying goes here in the cold north: You have to be two to fight! Man måste vara två för att slåss!

Super duper EDIT: Oh, I forgot: There's another reason for the layout change, the upcoming articles I will be writing for this blog needs a wider space and I am not allowed to change that with this old template that isn't supported anymore. So why did I choose this old template back in 2009? Well, actually I got it in 2006 or 2007 but for some reason all that is gone... whatever, the reason being is of course that I know that some people don't have a Metal Gear supercomputer-room and really hate to wait for heavy webpages to load. I was there, back in the day, when hotmail took four or five minutes to load and I say this: NEVER AGAIN!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Make sure you download a security copy of theblog. I know that wordpress has an easy function that allows that - I hope its the same with your platform.

    On another note. Check out these resources discussing silicone moulds for polyurethan (from a thread at TMP). ,
    They use the version where you don't start with two mould sides but rather pour one silicone mould and then cut out the original. With their techniques this seems like a viable option.


  2. Hi Llama,

    I sympathise a bit with the layout issues. My original blog (which I still have) had old clean templates that let me use the screen properly and didn't create too much clutter. It's a shame I couldn't get exactly the same thing when I began my new WOTR one, progress eh?

    Anyway, I really like your modelling - very cool.


  3. @Mr FoB: Many thanks for the linky! I will try to add this - and other links to a blogpost later, there's too much work a the mo'.

    @Mr Jamie: Your original blog? Have to find it in your links... And yes, about the templates, I fiddled with different themes yesterday, there should be something better, but it'll take time.

    Thank you for your kind words, will try to update the link-field - there are some nice WotR/LotR blogs out there, I must confess :)
