Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit: Miniature wargaming - movement trays, conversions and sculpting.
More Men at Arms
Sorry, not the Men at Arms for Dol Amroth, but the ones from Perry Miniatures. How good aren't these? I've got myself a bunch of them as well now. But these I am doing for mr FoB, so I thought I'd show him I'm on top of it.
You can see my Warriors of Minas Tirith-command project in the background. Eight archers will be vanilla archers (much needed) and the other sixteen plus three special WoMT:s that are more or less homemade, will be the golden companies, inspired by an OTT formation I saw in the WotR-rulebook many moons ago and fell in love with. That was the plan, but now I am thinking I will base four special WoMT:s on a 64mm base... More on this in the next post in about 13 hours ;)
You're really getting a hang of the speed painting of Perry medievals now!
I sure do Bob!
SvaraRaderaAre you ready for a game of Misty Mountains versus Gondor within the end of this week!?
I just might be! I'm assuming that I get to play Gondor..
Assume this and that... you get to play the Gondor force - or as they say in the forums: Gonder.
SvaraRaderaWhy are you never logged in when you write here? But why? It looks like I am talking to myself. Maybe I am?!
Its too much of a hazzle to log in since I have a wordpress account. And the user name at my wordpress account doesn't correspond to the name of my blog. But I'll see what I can do.