

More Men at Arms

Sorry, not the Men at Arms for Dol Amroth, but the ones from Perry Miniatures. How good aren't these? I've got myself a bunch of them as well now. But these I am doing for mr FoB, so I thought I'd show him I'm on top of it.

You can see my Warriors of Minas Tirith-command project in the background. Eight archers will be vanilla archers (much needed) and the other sixteen plus three special WoMT:s that are more or less homemade, will be the golden companies, inspired by an OTT formation I saw in the WotR-rulebook many moons ago and fell in love with. That was the plan, but now I am thinking I will base four special WoMT:s on a 64mm base... More on this in the next post in about 13 hours ;)

5 kommentarer:

  1. You're really getting a hang of the speed painting of Perry medievals now!


  2. I sure do Bob!

    Are you ready for a game of Misty Mountains versus Gondor within the end of this week!?

  3. I just might be! I'm assuming that I get to play Gondor..


  4. Assume this and that... you get to play the Gondor force - or as they say in the forums: Gonder.

    Why are you never logged in when you write here? But why? It looks like I am talking to myself. Maybe I am?!

  5. Its too much of a hazzle to log in since I have a wordpress account. And the user name at my wordpress account doesn't correspond to the name of my blog. But I'll see what I can do.

