

Review of the Hobbit - an Unexpected Journey

... not really a review, just some thoughts on the movie.The following text may contain minor spoilers.

The first ten minutes were so great that I actually had to look away for a few seconds because it was too awesome for me to handle!

I had the expectation to see a matiné with sharp edges (the sharp edges being violence and some darkness) and that was exactly what it was. Almost all of the comic relief was seen miles away and didn't interfer with the general feeling of the movie because you could brace yourself and just bear through it. The general feeling was of course a positive one - especially the flashbacks to the battles of yore.
     The general production was of course as close to perfection as expected, with a little critique to the three trolls, which is a highly subjective opinion. All the details were superb, from the gold coins falling from Smaug's head to the dwarven gear and Dol Guldur's dark statues and stonework.
     Azog was a nice character, but he was suffering from the bad-guy screaming syndrome which have infected almost all badguys in movies. When Azog and the other orcs aren't screaming you will notice that they do not speak westron (or whatever it's called, "Common Language of Middle-Earth").
     Although the scribe wasn't really hogging the cameras, the few seconds of him was hilarious: "Weeeeeh!"

The subtle council of Elrond, Galadriel, Saruman and Gandalf was very well done, see it to appreciate its suprising subtleties.
     Didn't really like Radagast, but Saruman made him more interesting "... and makes his teeth yellow... ". Saruman's droning at the council was my favourite part - except for the first ten minutes of the movie, which I already mentioned topped everything - even most scenes from any of The Lord of Rings-movies!

It really felt like we had something in common, Saruman and I (except for the obvious illusions of grandeur which is a trait I already knew I shared with said character)...

Although the comic relief was annoying (why do people "need" comic relief? I cannot honestly understand this in anyway... can some enlighten me) it was bearable, but it was lots of it, much more than those few stupid Gimli-moments in the Lord of the Rings. Can't really see why they were needed? Kids won't see this... although I must admit I chuckled at Smeagol...
     Random thoughts over, here's the grade: 5 Llamas of 5 possible.

Edit & Post Scriptum) The guy sitting next to me nearly didn't move a finger for 2,5 hours, except for a slight adjustment of his arm when I accidentaly touched it. He also didn't seem to find anything funny or entertaining - stoneface. But then he did his second move, wiping his eyes when Galadriel made her entrance - it was quite an experience, Galadriel is always such a show-off...

 Edit 2: Syftningsfel and spelling.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Llama, you may have been like me an just never put the award up on your frontpage, but I've 'awarded' you a Liebster. work on your blog - I always enjoy seeing your stuff and often stop by to look - if not actually comment.

    Glad you like the Hobbit too - it's given me lots of WOTR related list ideas. I think there is real potential to get something a bit more balanced. Less of the 'High War of the Rings' Epic Strike / Ringwraith madness and more alliances of good guys vs some Orcs and wargs. With Noldor.

  2. Thanks Jamie!

    And nice that you reminded me of the roots of the LotR-miniatures game - if one can say so about a game not older than 9 years - which I have mentioned earlier: Back to those small scale skirmishes that had such feeling of Middle-Earth!
