

Painted Hunter Orcs

I have begun the third phase of the painting of the Hunter Orcs. I will tidy up a whole bunch of little faults, fix one of the faces which now looks muddy - the owner of the face will instead get some sort of war paint like some of the others have gotten.

The Hunter Orcs proved to be very difficult for me to paint up in a satisfying way and it has taken me quite some time to get to where I'm at right now in the painting. The reason why the bases are incredibly dull is due to all the rest of my Mordor stuff having this very boring and simple horde standard - except for a few of the larger models or specials.
     They will get flat trays, not official WotR-trays, with roughly the same colour scheme as the bases but not exactly the same, and some of the GW bright green grass to contrast it whole a little bit.
     That's all for today, until later gentlemen!

9 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Thank you, I will try to do something more with the bases without making them looking too interesting - then I'd have to fix ALL the 100-200 bases (or so) for the rest of the Mordor army.

      However, as I am now high on superglue, I might just do this... *opens window and tries to clear mind*

  2. Nice work on the Hunter Orcs - I'm currently working on a horde of them as well, and I'm really excited about the options for customization with these units.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks man - the models are really nice but one must remember how "simple" the kits are in comparison to some military 1:72 soldiers or other kits from GW, so the customization isn't that great. Of course, there is always a lot one can do with most kits, especially for us used to these kinds of models ;)

    2. Clearification added almost a year later: Not 1:72, I obviously meant the larger scale...

  3. Good job of these.
    I also got you bases yesterday, 20mm is perfect! Thanks again for them!

    1. Yay! I was fearing the worst when thinking of our postal services - but then again, La Poste de France is hardly any better :) I am glad they found their way.

  4. Looks like time well spent -- the skin colors look really good.

    1. Notice how I have learnt to "Reply" instead of just posting a whole bunch of replies at the bottom of this row? I learn, but slowly - perhaps it was precipitously [hasty?] of me to compare myself with Sherlock Holmes (BBC-2010-version), if I just now learned how to "reply"... ? And I am happy indeed that you liked the skin colours.
