

Werewolves - fur sculpting...

A suggestion from Scott resulted in a fur-sculpting session of exactly one hour and twelve minutes:

You may notice the golden glove on the werewolf to the far right. I can't say much about this as I have forgotten what I was thinking at the time of gluing it to the arm of the werewolf. Now it is there and concordedly, I will deal with it by letting it stay but giving it a verdegris and let it look like some ancient fighting glove simple enough for these feral brutes to use. Sort of a sign of the pack leader...

The Hunter Orcs have been based and touched up and are ready for a fight:

And I also took a fast walk to the LFGS and bought me a box of Angry Dwarves clad in steel. Or Martillos Siniestros de la Tutti de Guerra. The Mornes-Martels/Grim Hammerers are sized exactly like the old dwarves from the Lord of the Rings-line and look really nice.
     The price is a letdown, but we all knew that. Twelve miniatures for around 240 SEK (I guess this translates to roughly 24 GBP whilst the pound is somewhat less strong against the crown at the moment) is of course idiotic. But not idiotic enough for me or perhaps just perfectly idiotic. This is something we will never know...
    Time flies when you blog and now it is time for me leave this window and continue to another window for my weekly net-hating (as the media calls us who are caring for our society and country). Good day, gentlemen! And thank you for your comments and feedback, it helps the projects become better!
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Visit these links for some really nice gobbos and a sweet little cart/wagon from my blogging colleagues.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Good to see the finished orcs. I know what you mean about gameswork shop and their prices.

    1. I am pleased with the orcs. I will have to redo most of my painting now that my tiny apartment is saturated with minis and I can't really make any new models; I'll just have to go back and repaint and better the existing projects, so it seems that this blog will turn into a painting blog for a while - I'd rather wanted it to turn into a gaming blog though...

    2. Oh God, I can't seem to edit my own comments. What I was going to end with was: " ... and it is just as good I am saturated with miniatures, what with these prices... "

      Sometimes my computer skills are not nearly as impressive as I want.

  2. Yes that looks better (sorry to put you to the trouble!)

    1. ;) The "trouble" is needed when one is too lazy at first. More constructive C&C is appreciated.

  3. Great work as always. The werewolf are a great idea. I hope to see them finished soon. Congratulations for the work.
