

Gandalf the Grey DIY, phase 3

I have sculpted a lot on the free hours I got between BS and work. Gandalf's cloak needs quite a lot work because I changed the position of his right arm. The bigger challenge will be Saruman. If I get off work early on Friday (not likely) I will start tinkering with some sort of armature or look through the bits-box...

Not really sure on Galadriel. She looks like a proto-Galadriel, as depicted by some communist illustrator in the late 70's. I am considering to cut off her hair and redo it... not likely to happen, but I am considering it.

Pallando the Blue. I "forgot" to take pictures of Alatar because he just aren't up to my standards (albeit rather "embracing" and "open" standards, but still).

I would also like to take this moment to plug Laughing Ferret's giveaway. He runs one of my favorite blogs out there (no, I am not participating - I've got way too much hobby stuff already - I am honestly just promoting his little competition) and I can highly recommend it.

10 kommentarer:

  1. I really am wowed by your sculpting!

  2. Thanks Scott, I really appreciate it!

  3. That is very impressive! Nice work, looking forward to see the painted product.

    1. Thanks! Just got home from work and made me a cup of java, so we'll see what happens with regards to painting.

  4. I can convert, but not sculpting like that! Great job!

    1. Thanks. You do great stuff, I really like checking in on your historical stuff and especially the painting and conversions! It is always inspiring.

  5. Your Gandalf's cart is perfect! Your Gandalf model here is very nice so far! He has a nice motion and the cloak is nice as well! Cloaks are very difficult to look real but you managed it! Well done!

    1. Thanks Panagiotis! Because of this I left the cloak be exactly as it was. And also partly due to laziness ;D

    2. "exactly as it was" you mean as you did it. Anyway, it is really nice. Well done!
      Check this, if you want, for more ideas about hoods, cloaks, etc:
      PS I don't think you are lazy at all. Last time I posted something was August 25! That's laziness!

    3. Heheh! Thanks for the link, I am perusing it next thing after typing this :D
