

Gandalf's Cart, painting done

Typically, I would like to point out several flaws and points of not-so-well painted parts but tonight I will just leave it be. It's just a hobby, after all.

Below are the parts that make Gandalf slowly roll down the roads of the Shire and elsewhere.

His cargo sort of makes him look like an icecream seller. The rods are supposed to look like rockets, not icecream or lollipops/chupas. Oh, well... This project was satisfying and a nice way to forget work. People insist on planning work-outings more often than I prefer, because they have to be planned in between normal social life and hobby time. And these social gatherings always ends up with work-talk. Why oh why do we then get together, especially when 80% of work time consists of complaining about work and how we want to be elsewhere? Be elsewhere to complain about work! WHiICH I am doing NOW! ACTIVE CAPS, I think I'm going crazy. It is a national-sport, I realize this just now, a Swedish national sport: Complaining about work. Which is what I am doing right now. Abrupt end.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Excellent job on the cart, most impressive...

    I know what you mean about work, I don't get work functions, you're stuck with these folks 40 odd hours a week... why would you want to spend more time socializing with them...? ...and you then have to try and make pointless chit chat with their partners who you don't know from Adam... I am always left thinking I'd rather be home painting or having a game... I guess its different if you're genuine friends with them, but that's seldom the case...

    1. Haha! This is what I thought but didn't dare write, you're too honest ;)

      And I feel exactly the same thing: I'd rather be home painting or just read a book!

  2. Seeing as I am about to go to a work function in about 30 min,. it is probably a good time to comment! I unfortunately arranged by accident to attend Beervana instead actually, which was a genuine mistake. As a lawyer there are just too many fricking drinks and things which I hate. Great work by the way - the cart looks superb and I certainly did not think ice cream seller when I saw it! More photos please.

    1. Thanks for the comment - especially about the mini not looking like an ice cream-dude. More photos will come!

      Beervana instead of work function :D Sounds waaay to heavy for me, I am happy with half a glass of wine to dinner, boring as a am. Maybe some clump foliage now and then.

      I had actually managed to miss the fact you work as a lawyer - and also missed that this business is riddled with drinks? I've always got this impression, at least from the Scandinavian law-men, that it is a very serious branch of work. Serious as in grey and very still.

      "Things wihich I hate", that wouldn't happen to be the colleagues?! ;) just kidding, but for me, there's a little bit of truth to a statement like that.

  3. Excellent work on the cart! Keep up the good work!

    1. Big thanks for your comment mr Centaur! I intend to keep it up as long as I can balance work with the social life. The time left over can be put into the hobby... but that time is shrinking.
