

Saruman's new head

New head and face... added shoulders to make him look taller. Still, his face is roughly 25% larger than the Games Workshop-version... but not as large as any WHFB-head, so I think we'll let it slide.

I don't feel up to resculpting the giant top of the staff so it'll stay as is.
     Why no updates in 10 days, you might wonder? Well, I've been too tired and instead read and watched some utorrented-tv-series and books. That's it folks, good night.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Very impressive work Lama. It is not easy to sculpt such fine detail. You have done a good job indeed.

    1. Thanks! I need a new light source and a magnifying glass if I want to improve I think ;D

  2. Smart work mate, definitely an improvement. I wouldn't worry about the staff , it looks fine.

    1. Glad to hear about the staff looking fine! Thanks for stopping by and commenting mr Scott! :)
