

Battle Companies, a small PDF

EDIT: The Us provided this link: Revampation of Battle Companies. It looks very well done. Rules and a very long list of rosters can be found there. Battle Companies 3.1.

This is an update mainly directed towards mr Dan Vincent of 50mm Game Room whom I gave the advice of testing Lord of the Rings: SBG - Battle Companies. A semi-official minigame by Games Workshop. Similar games have been developed inofficially by others, I am one of them, but we'll start with this one.

If anyone reading this can foresee a copyright issue, please let me know - or if anyone "official" reads this, please go to the About-page on this blog and read further. If I have to remove the link, I still have my own version of a similar game which uses similar models in a similar world, if you catch my drift in said matter.

Battle Companies. The old GW-PDF.
Scenarios for Battle Companies. Unknown source, but if I had to guess, I'd say it came from the dead Games Workshop homepage.

The images have gotten their palette changed and the quality lowered, so I don't think that would be a copyright issue, but the text... well, the text's boring and simple and I have typed up a version of my own which is not with me at the moment since I am on Christmas vacation.

As the girls of yotube say: "A big shout-out to" monsieur Benoît Dumeaux, for giving me directions on the best way to upload documents!

9 kommentarer:

  1. I recall this though dont think I ever got round to trying it out... might have to rectify that...

    1. Try it!

      The plan was for me to add rules for "the operative phase", using a little board inbetween battles to track where you are physically in the world as well as some other stuff, such as certain wargear and specials, but nothing OtT, all to keep in line with the original elegance and low-tech feeling of this derivate of the SBG.

  2. Hey Llama, great blog. I've been lurking a while and enjoying your stuff. Battle companies is fantastic fun. Did you know about the project to update the game?

    1. Hello mr The US, glad to see a lurker showing his face :) The Battle Companies update was a very good find! I updated this post with it. Thank you very much!

  3. I used to play this a lot with my son and we really enjoyed it. GW stopped supporting it because you only needed a dozen figures for each force! Not many sales in that!

    There was a second edition of the rules with battle companies for Warg Riders, Easterlings, Rivendell and Khand. I have it on a word document (22 pages)which doesn't look as nice as the pdf but all the information is there plus other extras such as terrain effects and extra equipment. I'm happy to send it to you if you don't have it. Drop me a line at legatushedlius (at sign) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk

    1. I wonder what they ever thought of when this derivate-game was published... so un-GW:y. This second edition I must have missed, it sounds really interesting, so I will take you on your kind offer to send it to me.

  4. For Google Drive, you're welcome.

  5. For Google Drive, you're welcome.
