

Warriors of Dale and a gramme of gold

They are to get their mould-lines cleaned after finishing typing this.
     Basing will be done soon enough. A homemade resin-base is shown here. Reason: Want to make a filler for the tray. Why? Because there were only 10 warriors in the box and I want to make copies of the three bowmen to make an awesome formation of Dale Archers for War of the Ring. You see, in WotR, you need a fuck-tonne of models to play a game. Which is something that is both good and bad, the way I see things.

The box of ten warriors cost me 269 SEK. With the bases, you get almost an even ounce of models and bases in a box of Warriors of Dale. A gramme of gold costs roughly 270 SEK (manipulated "paper gold" spot price, granted). That means, if I had an ounce of gold, I could potentially trade it for 240 Warriors of Dale. I know not what more to say, other than that I like this hobby.

Anyway, I have stated now four (4) times on the internetz that I will make a mould of these guys since I paid premium for them. If one were to make a mould for one's private use, there is nothing illegal going on, just saying. When one starts to sell these casts, there might be a problem. I will not sell anything.
   Instead of making a mould of ten dudes, I have decided (after a horrible silicone accident which left me with slightly damaged warriors and wasting silicone for a few hundred SEK:s) I'll just copy the three archers in the box.
    I was looking for some historicals as proxies but didn't find anything on my usual shopping places, so I figured a mould would be better. It is also highly entertaining to not only make the mould but also casting them in resin. Sometimes the result, without the aid of a vacuum-contraption, is better than "fine"-cast. That is amusing.

A traditional EDIT: If anyone thinks I am doing hobby instead of being with the family on Christmas, you are wrong. We celebrated yesterday, as is custom here. Just putting it out there.

Also, welcome (soon) to the sidebar mr Tom Y. and mr Tom C. I have found one of the Tomses blogs but not the other... As is custom on this blog, I blame Google+ for this.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Merry Christmas then, for yesterday!

  2. A very merry Christmas I wish you too, herr Pana!

  3. Merry Christmas Llama, thanks for the welcome. Tom C

    1. ... and a happy new years, to you, mr Tom! Added the dual effort-blog to the sidebar, so make sure you update it with more Gondor goodies ;)

  4. I'll be intrigued to see how you casting goes!

    1. Then I will remember to document the process - first the mouldmaking (not a tutorial, though) and then the casting, which is the fun part!
