

Squeezing Sprues: Rivendell Knights

Hey-oooh! Feels bloody damn good bloody good to be back in the hobby saddle.
    I started sculpting the left legs on both the two riders which I am trying to squeeze out of the sprues. Besides the two left legs, there was the conundrum of the half cloaks (you get conversion bits with the Rivendell Knights-sprues with which you can make another captain/knight without helmet) which I am now trying to rectify.

Extra shields are made from either Super Sculpey or kneadatite, made in a brown clay press-mould with talc as release agent. It's a cheap and super simple way to get acceptable quality. Not perfect, but tabletop-fine.

The extra horses comes from a Haradrim Raider which I retired to the bitsbox but kept the horse. This dynamic horse - it's the one with the head stretched out as much as galloping horse ever will stretch his horse-head - is accompanied by a resin horse, shamelessly copied from a well known knight's horse. The copy is actually pretty shitty.

 I've been as busy as these people.

And not to toot my own skin-coloured horn, but I think this is a comeback worthy of Mordor. Rivendell Knights, super expensive but oh so worth it - lovely models, absolutely lovely models. Not sure how to paint them though, as the rest of my Rivendell army is sort of pastelly... I really like the more muted version that is featured on the box...


6 kommentarer:

  1. nice work on the sculpting llama. can't wait to see them painted up!

    1. Thanks! Unfortunately I have moved them to the other place I habitat, so painting has to wait a few days, which is annoying since there are some really inspiring painted examples of these riders out there!

  2. Great work Llama. Good to see maximum use out of a kit.

    1. And to be a normal GW-sandbagger: With the price we pay, it is almost a must to do ;)

      But again, these models are really nice and I can honestly say I'd gladly pay the price again.

  3. Hello, I have decided to nominate your blog Liebster Awards for all the inspiration you've always been to me:

    1. Thanks man! I have been a busy little bee these last weeks, but better late than never ;)
