

Thank you fellow bloggers!

Thank you for all your nice words and nominations! It is a good way to spread the word of our hobby by promoting each others' blogs.
    I have been away for a little while, as I might have noted in an earlier update (or perhaps not... ). Hobby-time is still sparse, but I'll try to crowbar in something.
    Thank you Scott for the nomination, there are a lot of nice blogs on your list which I and others have/will peruse. Also, mr Karavatis, AKA mr Manolo, nominated a whole bunch of nice blogs which is appreciated.

My other computer where I put the rules works on War of the Ring is currently packed and stowed away someplace, so I haven't done anything at all hobby-related except for buying a box of really nice deer-riders for Warhammer. I'll try to get a review up before the 8th this month.

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