

Badly painted kitbash-Shades

This is not the highlight of my hobby, not at all, but we can't be shown just the highlights, sometimes we need to see some downlights and mistakes...

Two Mantic skeletons plus some bits. For some reason I have literary been pouring paint all over these so I think I'll have to either put them in a state of colour-removing or just try to highlight it some more, sort of like a band-aid on a bled-through bandage... 
     Since Simple Green is not available here, one will have to settle with oven-cleaning - barely works when removing the colour after been sunk into it for 10 hours. Or, I just settle for this and fix the base and call it a day...

10 kommentarer:

  1. Use an airbrush to base coat it over and start again.

    1. I have been meaning to get a an airbrush for some time. Need to get me a new place to live before though. But when that happens, I think I'll get me one of those. If you have any experience with those, let loose here in the comments ;)

  2. If you cant get Simplegreen , perhaps you can get Dettol?

    1. I had written a long rant on everything that Sweden (and nowadays also the EU) ban, but I managed to lose the comment. Just as good, it was turning really bad at the end (I get really fired up when it comes to matters of the state and regulations and the removal of our civil liberties). So in short: Dettol is likely banned for some obscure reason.

      TL;DR: Sweden = DDR, everything the state and its lackeys dislike is forbidden or racist or homophobic. Just like Dettol ;D

    2. Woops, there is a Swedish retailer for Dettol. Well, there I go, heh... The irony... Well, thanks then Scott, I will go get me a bottle of these next week! Google is my friend.

    3. LOL no worries mate... basically I believe both Dettol and Simplegreen contain isopropyl alcohol ( a key ingredient of proprietory paintstrippers) plus other soap, degreasing agents and surfactants that help break down the paint... and both are safe on plastic figures too and safe to dispose of in domestic water waste.... I have found that the dettol though can make the paint come off a bit 'sticky' and make a mess of the old toothbrush you are no doubt using, but a bit of turps will clean that up. :)

    4. Forgot to say, usually an over night soak in the dettol is enough to do the job, depending on how thick the paint is... you ca always scrub of some paint then dunk again overnite. Best of luck.

    5. Big thanks mate! I shall heed your advice in this matter. The oven-cleaning-thing didn't really do it on the old rohirrim I tried them on.

      Stickiness on the toothbrush is fine if it means I get this mess off! :)

      /Llama (not logged in)

  3. Nice progress shot Llama, I just thought perhaps another cool shade conversion would be a wraith moving out of a statue... like on the hobbit? dull greyish statue with an overly highlighted wraith emerging. just an idea mate, really enjoy watching your conversions and figures evolve... your work is inspiring Llama

    1. Oh, that's a great idea! Taken! Make sure you poke me if I forget it. Thanks, Andy!
