

Kraken - Watcher in the Water

I will go against my normal way of looking at things and just call this a scratch build - it just isn't a conversion nor is it a kitbash, because I intend to sculpt more than 33% of the model myself, and as the law of Wargaming tells us, this means I can justify call this a scratchbuild.

Warhammer 40 000-players may recognize this magnificent bastard as a Tyranid Toxicrene. This particular bastard I ordered from a mailorder company here in Sweden that used to give great service... not everything stays the same, as most of us by now have understood or experienced, nevertheless I was surprised with their customer service, so that was the last purchase until the company gets handed over to another owner, as it tends to happen.
    That BS aside, I intended to make an Angband Beast (my secret project!) using parts of this model, and when it arrived, I could confirm that the kit would also be viable for the other project I had in mind: Kraken!

The Toxicrene's weird arms will be used as squiddy tentacles. It's cut-off knife-protrusions may serve as backwards "feet".

This is sort of how it will look: A mixture of a shrimp, a squid and something else, though I can't remember the word for the thing right now... What was it... yes, now I remember: A penis! No, just kidding, it is a water-living creature that I am thinking of. Doesn't matter, what does matter though is that I find Games Workshop's design of the Watcher in the Water very creative - not that I like it especially much, it is after all a water creature and IMO these things tend to be boring/frightening/disgusting - and I am amazed on their choice of design, it seems to me as most people making fan-art and models of Tolkien's Watcher in the Water have all gone with the squid-design, just as I would have, if GW hadn't done their shrimp. Good on you GW and thank you for the inspiration!
     Thank you mr Scott B. for your pictures of the Watcher in the Water, I have used those to get inspiration and see the creature from other angles.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Expect an update on the weird legs soon, Pana!

  2. I look forward to seeing how this turns out, I really enjoy your creative inventiveness! It always blows me away!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Scott - it means a lot and it actually is sometimes a motivator to keep on with these projects!

  3. Hi! I'm also trying to build my own kraken and I came through your work... cool job! I hope you can help me with a simple doubt: which are the dimensions of the basis?

    1. Send a link if you have blog or do it on a forum, always interested in seeing hobby projects.

      The base is a 120 mm one. Oval. GW makes them.
