

Fastitocalon Miniature, version 2!

Sculpting away. I have now redone the shell after the latest designs and I reallyI like it actually.

Below you can see the first changes, and above we see how it looks right now. Making a mould out of this piece will be more than interesting. Perhaps it will be even more than a challenge? Who knows.

Also, welcome new followers, Alex, Airborne and Purp! I hope you will find something mildly amusing upon these internet-pages. No guarantees, jamborees!

3 kommentarer:

  1. looks smashing! cant wait to see it cast!

    1. As smashing as the last one which I smashed?! Lol :D But yes, the casting will turn out interesting... !

    2. hehe, I'm glad you got my stupid pun... gods we are the worst!
