

Kharadron Overlords - 22th of July

On this grand day 563 years ago a glorious Hungarian force under command of Janos Hunyadis conquered the besieging Osmans at the battle of Nándorfehérvár. So, today - amongst other victories of July 22nd - we celebrate the national memorial day of Hungary. Hungary is a wicked sick country - go there if you haven't: Great people, great culture and overall just a class A nation (one of their best authors being Ferenc Karinthy, IMO). Old history, ancient folks, strong and powerful they remind me somewhat of the Polish, but not too much. Don't get me started on the Polish - yes, some are drunkards - but most of them are headstrong and will tell you what needs to be told and will give you a sound beating if you need it.

But those good memories aside, let me tell you about Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and how this blog is not dying. I have been talking to mr J about doing some serious hobby when we meet up later this year in the old Southern part of Le Africa, and I have expressed a slight lust for Kharadron Overlords, even though I greatly dislike the NEET Omega-male Dwarfs of Warhammer (sorry, "Duardin"). Steampunk is gratifying to hobby with, just take some old gears and plop them on a model and voila, Bob's your uncle, as they say, the Britons.

The idea here is to make my own version of the Kharadron Overlord's Ironclad. As I have no idea of the size of the official model and I have very little motivation to find that out, I have just winged it. Had to go to my not-so-friendly LGS and buy me a box of those three retards with iron balloons that think they can fly, just to get an inkling of the size of things. Warhammer models are laughably chunky and oversized. The feets of the dwarfs are roughly the size of a single Middle-earth model...

Anyway. Starting with what I had at my new home at the time, some twenty days ago, I used parts of the 40K Dark Eldar boat I bought cheap for the simple reason that it contained numerous usable bits. These parts combined with the orange "bow" I salvaged from the printer I smashed in anger (see older blogpost where this outbreak of bad temper has been described in detail) formed the basic shape. Pleased with the cramped space for the space dwarves I continued my project...

A ping-pong ball formed the rest of the lower hull's front, just below the bow. It fit nicely with the paper hull.

Turned the rest of the Dark Eldar hull around and inverted the parts, and voila, some form of basic Duardin hull was formed. The strange windows weren't easy to get (had to go to a local Makerspace to get them lasercut), but I really don't like the overuse of "navally" round windows, dwarves in WHFB should have at least a few square windows, so it was worth the trouble.

After a few nights of hobbying and listening to Garagehammer (except that episode when one of them hade the mic next to his bum and he farted and ate a lot, it was unbearable, had to turn it off) this is what I had to present to you. The top is made of soft balsa with some lazy scoring to "emulate boards". Barely.

These are some of the other parts that may or may not be added. The sky-balls can be seen in the middle.

Wanted a less modern look on my Ironclad, so I went with the older looking style of a squarish command deck.

Simply copyied the design of the naval/submarine door as it was effective and nice, albeit slightly cartoony. With some thick - and bloody expensive - artist's paper I formed the rest of the hull. Placed the door at the lower aft as it would be "retarded" to have two doors on both sides of the "ship".

Fly-balls are getting shaped. Ping-pong balls to the rescue. You can see one of the bombs behind the large one. The larger one is made out of aluminium foil (took an old tinfoil-hat and reshaped it) and some polymer-clay which was hardened with a heatgun. The details are made out of Tamiya putty, various types I had lying around.

The weirdo-engine is slowly taking shape here. A Kharadron Bubble Bobble Balloon Fucker is shown for size comparison.

... and this is where we are right now, wondering if I should put a ping-pong ball on either side of the ship. The problem is that the human mind is very calibrated to find balls and p3nis3s everywhere she looks, and there might be some pareidolian ramifications if I were to place two balls on either side of this ship. To put it simple: It might look like a horse cock.

Horse cocks aside,

Still think what's going on with "Western" media is totally haram/kosher?

It might be a case of the above, shitpeople not giving a shit, and just giving everything away for their proverbial 30 silver coins...

... what do I know, it is time to go the gym...

... wheööw...

Edit: The guy that wants to buy the Arnorian Knights - SORRY, apparently I had already handed them over to another guy! Let me hear if you want me to make another round of them.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Very noice conversions mister! Am very much looking forward to seeing how it develops!

    1. Why thank you mister Mr! A name change has happened I see? And your developing-forward-wishing has been fulfilled!
