

Thats it!

That's it, I'm done with the hobby for now. I don't really feel like I am done with you readers, and the blog, but there's just too much going on that makes me unwilling to do hobby. It has been a lot of fun, especially the years between 2010 and 2014 when I mainly worked at The Brain (the shittiest job in Swedistan) and I did not really wanted to be that very social. Then the blog was perfect, and I remember when being social, BBQ-ing or spending time with co-workers at some god-forgotten place how I missed my hobby projects and blogging and couldn't wait to leave. I even ditched ladies that had expressed interest in me, because I just wasn't into anything - I just wanted to be left alone and do my hobby.


Bye, bye!

But that was then, and it is quite sad to quit the hobby as I feel I have so much more that I would like to do. I just thrashed two of the boats, and I will give away all my armies to another blogger in the sphere (Swedish, it would be too much of a hassle to ship it all somewhere) - I have in fact already rid myself of roughly 35-40% of the assembled and painted models. My backlog is not extreme, but it contains a bunch of super fun projects that I will never get time or motivation to work on.

As a last little truth pill - I have tried to contain myself over the years with those - the main reason why I quit the hobby is due to the massive illegal immigration of people who hate me and my kin. And how is that, you ask? Because: 

1) I have to live in a shit-small apartment because we are over-crowded in this ice-cold little country, and the illegal immigrants get apartments before indigenous Swedes. Small apartment = not much space for hobby.

2) I lose a lot of motivation when I go out the door and see mainly aggressive and impolite and violence-prone young men, and know that I can hardly defend myself from them without getting a massive punishment by the state.

3) There are no longer an abundance of nice, blonde ladies outside, and that is really depressive - we used to have this really relaxed and fun culture here in Sweden, where people actually went out and met each other, and had little affairs etc. But today the few blondes still existing stay inside (for obvious reasons), or they have gotten fat due to the fact that there are roughly 20-25% more young men than there are young women in Swedistan (also, due to immigration, obviously), so they can have the pick of the litter and balloon up - there are a tonnes of thirsty guys that settle for anything.

Also, I hate my job, but I must deal with it, because that's what I could land with my lacking education/edumahcayshun. That is my fault, however. 

It is not a very happy ending to this blog, but I think we could all see it coming from a few miles away. Perhaps I post an update, or if I manage to somehow move to a bigger place I might start up the hobby again. 

Not much has changed, I realize now, as I stated earlier in this post that I "just wanted to be left alone and do hobby", I suppose one thing changed, and that is the unwillingness to even do hobby.

I hope to see you all again, someday! What a fun and uplifting last post, eh!? Just in line with many of my whacky posts over the years!

4 kommentarer:

  1. I hope you back soon and full of energy. While this happen, I hope very soon, Good luck.

  2. Svar
    1. Poland seems great, 10 out of 10! : )
