Found the link for the Abrakhan Guard that was made by a Polish person:,Abrakhan-Guard-Konwertowanie-i-malowanie-II-miejsce-w-konkursie-Mitrila.html
That's a mighty long link, that is. I am sure there are ways to make a link look hotter... perhaps this:
Linkus to Abrakhan guard-guy
EDIT: Yaay, it worked! See this good people reading the jaowsblogg, onwards and upwards, the blog just keeps on getting better (in some regards).
Congratulations for your progress with the interwebs my friend!
SvaraRaderaIn the name of the most merciful,
Shanandar Singh
Hahaha, I have been missing you Shanandar Singh. I was wondering if you had any ideas for me "pimping" my HP? I'm thinking glowing banners, moving sh*t and lots of different fonts and colours?