Again, I have had nothing to do with this work, just wanted to share this persons nice work.
If someone have the link to this, please contact me. I am sure there are other goodies over there...
Tomorrow, though, you will find an update on the good ol' Edheldu. This time its the Huorns. They are coming along nicely. Really nice.
SvaraRaderaOh, thank you! (Just realized this answer was a tad late, but hey!) :)
SvaraRaderaI just discovered your blog and I have to say I am really impressed by your conversion, sculpting and painting skills! This Abrakhan Guard is amazingly well done!!
SvaraRaderaSadly this particular Abrakhan Guard isn't mine - I am not just there yet when it comes to painting and sculpting. Follow the link from the Anon. guy at the top of this field.
SvaraRaderaIt was used as an example of awesomeness and also as inspiration for me.
BTW, do you have a blog with LotR-stuff, please, give us a link ;)
There you can find more: http://www.mitril.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=890 :) Greetings from Poland! :)
SvaraRaderaPoland! Good hearing from one of you! My new neighbour is a Polish construction guy and he is one tough SoB :) He could use a little time with our hobby to soften up, heheheh!
RaderaThat thread is great. User Tredor posted something fenomenal, a dwarf-sculpt, holy canoly was it good! Thanks for the linky!